Psychics Unite Forum

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kayleah Wilson

I started with her walking to the mall. I feel she went to get a gift for her party. Thats what brought her there. On her walk, she saw a group of girls that went to her school. they bully her a lot, and tease her. Mainly because one girl is jealous of Kayleah. Something to do with the boyfriend. She walked by a different root to get to the mall entrance to avoid them. I think the man who took her watched her, he saw her in the parking lot area, he saw the effort to avoid the girls. I feel he followed her through the mall. He followed her out, and that's when he made his move. he's an older man, in his 50s. White hair. Either an Army or Navy tattoo on his arm. Tan minivan, or truck, older model. I keep thinking Irish Spring.?? He had her for sexual purposes. He likes to touch himself more than the sex act itself. (sorry for being blunt) She was really scared. I see an altercation, a struggle, she tried to get away. She really did try hard. She hurt him. His eye and his nose. His knuckles are scraped from rocks. He dragged her through fields . There's a trail that runs through. He scrapped his hands dragging her. He has a good grip on her hair. He was so angry, he's taking that anger out on her. Her struggle to get away was his trigger. I see a broken friendship bracelet. One of the beads fell in the van. She's in water. Its a lake in the fields. It's not to far from the mall.

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