Psychics Unite Forum

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kelly Lundy Rothwell, Indian Rocks Beach, FL

I know this blog is first and foremost dedicated to finding missing children but there are times when there are others who need help as well.  And when someone makes a special request of me to try and help I always do whatever I can.

Kelly Lundy Rothwell went missing on March 12, 2011.  What I know going in is that she is a police cadet and that her boyfriend has skipped town since she went missing.

04/03/11  I did a meditation on Kelly on the April 1st and I posted it here. However, it has come to my attention that David Perry and his family are monitoring the web so I am removing the info for now.  If you have any info and would like to share with us please feel free to email me. 

Psychics Unite Forum / Kelly Rothwell 


  1. I see a struggle she was gagged and tied she has a strong will and will not leave until justice is served there is a motel an older one near his home a women with a name like julia knows something,the missing women she has written in dust or dirt re look at windows and floors car dashes and windows there is a note mom she says mom bobear dont know what it means just passing along, the long road she says by the trailor, my lamp, sorry its random i tell it as it comes she says gary miss you you pass it regularly, my old car the street name has a long word like b as first letter there are boats out of water in a canal by her

  2. she may be tied to a piling under water a boat that is out of water on a storage thing is above it there is a yellow fishing bait bucket she is in black trash bags she is within 4 miles from her hangout area the man knows the people with the docked boat they do not know
