That is not to say that there aren't other people out there, just like me, trying to help. There are so many gifted psychics doing exactly what I/we are trying to do here. That is a good thing, always, when it is done with the best intentions of the child and the family. Its only when someone with shallow intentions or whatever reasons get involved and then real people get hurt. I know this to be true from my own experience. Please always be respectful.
That being said, this image is sticking in my brain so I am going to post only that part of the information. I hope it will click with someone!
From a meditation I did on 09/11/09 - I could see some sort of location it seemed like a large rock or mountains. Someone might want to climb people may picnic or hike in the area or below. A river runs through there or there is a large body of water.
**Something that stuck out, a lady emailed me an article about that lighted cross on the hill near the park and the gentleman who takes care of that cross is named Jack. Jack is a name I got in association with Amber. This a link to that article. http://www.sdrp.org/resources/dieguito/dieguito-number4.htm
From 09/18/09 - I can see a bird.. the face of a man, fuller face, feels 40ish. I still feel 2 men, the one older and the other much younger, early 20’s maybe even late teens. A V and a zig zag looking thing like a Z but can’t tell if it’s a name or symbol. *** I want to add something here... This meditation was done about Amber. I have never gotten a feeling that there was more than one person involved with Chelsea's disappearance. I'm not even sure they are connected other than in the media, which is mostly based on location. I just felt I wanted to add this because of some "wait a minute" sort of thoughts. I'm adding this because I have received a couple of emails about this today so I just wanted to clarify. No one can ever know for sure until they know for sure.. Perhaps its only meant to help refocus some attention on Amber's case. I honestly don't know.
I don’t know.. Then all of a sudden I feel “Vendor” it was a very anxious feeling.. Could this have been a vendor at the school or close by?
I want to see where she is, some sort of indicator and I ask, where? .. Highway 4. I see a strange sort of line that feels like it indicates what the road looks like that will lead to where she is. A landmark?
There may be a stone like structure or even a large stone or rock with a plaque on it showing the location. Like at an entrance and the sign has been embedded into the stone at the entrance.
The vendor feels right, and perhaps the bird and maybe the zig zag are some sort of clue or logo or something?? This would also fit with the large truck. She may not have worried about these men, or the man, because she had seen them before.. locals, delivery men, something like that.
As I look back at the line that I drew that I feel indicates a road, it takes me back to the first meditation and the sketch. I thought the way the mountain or rock was shaped was part of the actual formation. It could be that, the shape of the rock or mountain, but it also looks a lot like the road so this may indicate the road going around the mountain. Either/or.. need to look at it both ways.
The stone with the plaque looks like the one at San Pasqual Battlefield, about 10 minutes from Kit Carson Park. The wavy line looks like the road to it.