Sometimes people look at the information we post here and wonder "how is that supposed to help?" I am going to take a few cases that I have worked on in the last year, that have also been resolved, and try to show how it works and how those reading the information can help. I want to also mention that sometimes where I get in my own way is trying to decode or analyze what the information means. I know that it is best to just post what I get and NOT try to explain it.
I will focus mostly on Amber Dubois and Chelsey King, but also add a few things about Aja Johnson. My information about Amber was never fully published here but know that anything and everything I will post now has been received by Amber's family and the private investigator. If it had to be proven that the information is genuine, it can be.
I want to note in the beginning that besides showing how psychic information can be used in the investigation, and how it doesn't help, I feel strongly there there is at least one more girl, if not more, that are listed as runaways but might actually be victims of John Gardner. The girl I am most drawn to is Alexandria Heckman (shown left and also posted here). Besides trying to show a little about how psychic visions work and how its all puzzle pieces that need to be put together, I want to try to bring some attention to Alexandria. No one really searched for her the way they did Amber or Chelsea because she is listed as a runaway. My hope is now that they have connected Amber and Chelsea to John Gardner, they will look at some of the other cases of young women gone missing from the area. They might be surprised. Its possible that some of the information I was receiving might make sense to someone who knows Alexandria or the area where she went misisng.
First, I will post everything I originally sent to the investigator on Amber Dubois. Comments highlighted in red are thoughts I've added or information that has been proven.
Known Circumstances: Amber was last seen on February 13, 2009. She may still be in the local area. She was last seen wearing black clothing and a backpack
09/11/09 - I see a dragonfly or a butterfly but I'm thinking a dragonfly. (To me, a butterfly means transformation and a dragonfly is sort of otherworldly, indicating that she may be gone. To the family who may see this, I’m very sorry. But remember, I can be wrong here. Or, this could also symbolize something she liked or even a tattoo.. anything.) I hear the name Jack, or a Ja name like Jack or Jake. I see a burly looking man - truck (Jack is the name of a man connected to an area around where Chelsey King was found. Jack is also the name of one of the search dogs that led investigators to the reservation) When I asked where she was I saw her getting into a large truck, like a tractor trailer, white maybe. (John Gardner owned a White Chevy Silvarado pick up truck from 2006 until the time that Amber disappeared.) But I'm not sure if she got in or was grabbed. I wanted to see what she was doing that morning before she left, I could see a dog I think and I heard Sparkey??? I think something like that. She had books and homework, I could see paperwork. (Perhaps associated with the purchase of the lamb.) At first I wondered if she was a runaway but no - she had things at home that she wanted, she was attached to. and she had books with her.. didn't feel right. I began feeling a boyfriend. I heard the name Luke.
I could see some sort of location it seemed like a large rock or mountains. Someone might want to climb people may picnic or hike in the area or below. A river runs through there or there is a large body of water.
She feels kind of like a tom-boy in the way she dresses and maybe acts. I’m trying to focus on that morning I see her heading out the front door. I hear Lakewood Ave. (I believe Lakewood was the name of the town where Amber was born.) I put her on a bike to start her journey but that is only in my mind to get her moving. I don’t think there is a bike. I think I can see a backpack but it looks more like a knapsack.
She has an I-pod and headphones. A man in a truck or maybe there are 2 men. The first one is burly and the second man more clean shaven, smaller. Someone grabs her and there is a struggle, One of them, I think the burly one, hits her in the face to subdue her. A long road, not a populated area.. they dump her in that area I’m seeing. I hear LaGrange? Makes me wonder about the high school.
I am removing some of the information I had here as it included names that appeared to be actual people in the area but were not in any way involved this. No point in stirring anything up.
I also found Lakewood Avenue that is near where someone reported seeing her a day after she disappeared and it’s also near a place that might fit the location I described.. Dixon Lake Recreation Area. (This area is just an example of what I’m feeling.. Not necessarily this place but maybe something like it. This is just what I found on a map nearby)
I also found a couple of businesses in the area of Lakewood Avenue named LaGrange. (I’ve also found locations named LaGrange that might fit the description above. I am so bad with maps and stuff like that so its most important to look at the drawings and go from there)
Just found the name of Amber’s best friend - Jade Fidel
I can see a bird.. the face of a man, fuller face, feels 40ish. I still feel 2 men, the one older and the other much younger, earl 20's maybe even late teens.
I don’t know.. Then all of a sudden I feel “Vendor” it was a very anxious feeling.. Could this have been a vendor at the school or close by?

There may be a stone like structure or even a large stone or rock with a plaque on it showing the location. Like at an entrance and the sign has been embedded into the stone at the entrance.
The vendor feels right, and perhaps the bird and maybe the zig zag are some sort of clue or logo or something?? This would also fit with the large truck. She may not have worried about these men, or the man, because she had seen them before.. locals, delivery men, something like that.
As I look back at the line that I drew that I feel indicates a road, it takes me back to the first meditation and the sketch. I thought the way the mountain or rock was shaped was part of the actual formation. It could be that, the shape of the rock or mountain, but it also looks a lot like the road so this may indicate the road going around the mountain. Either/or.. need to look at it both ways.
About the truck – we all see some sort of truck, but the description varies.. Large and white.. common thread but as I type this, I remember seeing the grill of a truck when I meditated this morning.. rounded front with a real shiny grill. Felt large and fancy. I am bad on vehicles too… the trucks described here could be what was used in the abduction, it could indicate what their job is or what they actually drive.
The following is an email I sent to the investigator working on Amber's case:
From: < >
Subject: Question
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 6:07 PM
What do you think about Lake Hodges ?? The shape seems interesting to me and similar to the sketch I drew I think... but its hard to tell from an internet map.
Have you heard back from the Detective? You never told me what part you were checking on..
Lake Hodges is where they found Chelsea King.
09/24/09 This meditation was about the white truck that the investigator sent us a picture of…
An arrow.. I’m starting to think the truck or at least this one does not have anything to do with Amber’s disappearance. (that one didn't as far as I know) As I write that I felt except that perhaps they saw or know or even taped something but don’t realize it. I got a feeling of simply a way to validate a connection with the investigator. I don’t know what the arrow means, I wonder if he knows what color the interior is?? White truck, 78910.. Ralph Mc something, like McPharland, older man. A big tree like an oak tree. Kids or grandkids.
From: < >
Subject: Question
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 6:07 PM
What do you think about Lake Hodges ?? The shape seems interesting to me and similar to the sketch I drew I think... but its hard to tell from an internet map.
Have you heard back from the Detective? You never told me what part you were checking on..
Lake Hodges is where they found Chelsea King.
09/24/09 This meditation was about the white truck that the investigator sent us a picture of…
Would any of this information have helped "find" Amber? I don't know. However, if anyone was taking it seriously then if they had found a suspect (Gardner) at that time it might have helped confirm the identification. They may have been able to cross check white pick-ups or trucks with registered sex offenders and made the connection. I think the area I described fits with the reservation, and also a connection with the area where they found Chelsea King. Maybe if they had connected the search dogs to the description they might have looked a little closer at the time. A lot of maybes and hindsight?
Chelsea King
Chelsea King went missing from Poway, CA on February 25, 2010 after going for a run. I saw her photo and immediately knew she was not a runaway, but in some immediate danger. I am not going to re-post everything on Chelsea's info is already posted here. If you want to check out the specifics just click on her name at the right. What I will do is summarize only the things that ended up matching up.
02/28/10 - I could see a red car, it seemed like a smaller model. Then I heard Toyota. (I think there was a red vehicle spotted in the area but I can't remember for sure.)
Survelliance cameras.. are there cameras around the park that may have picked up that red car? Someone has noticed him in the area. (There was another incident where he attacked another woman just a few months prior.)
When I first picked up her picture this morning, I all of a sudden felt very cold. I wanted to see exactly where she is. I'm facing the park where she was running and I get the feeling that they turned to my left. I could see a mountain road and it seemed as if as they need to find that mountain. It is a steep rocky place and the road goes around. I hear canyon over and over. But the most distinguishing part of this mountain road is a cross either painted on or carved into the hill side. It could be a standing cross but it felt "on" the hill. (Accurate description of the area where she was found.)
I saw the 6th. (Chelsea was found on the 6th day of her disappearance.)
I saw the 6th. (Chelsea was found on the 6th day of her disappearance.)
Another lady sent me this..
Here is the article.. Read the article.. when I did the name Jack popped out... Looking back at Amber, I saw a man named Jack..
The following is a picture and an email that was sent to me after Chelsea was found...
For closure, and since I couldn't sleep, I found one last photo from Google Maps of the area where Chelsea was found at Lake Hodges. It's point-of-view is from the mountainous area across the lake, looking over the rural portion of the park where the running paths would be. The mountain in the background has the cross.
I thought it was a unique view, validating the visions and keywords that were received. I posted a comment on your blog. I truly hope everyone stays encouraged in their gift(s), despite the loss of Chelsea. I have a tinge of similiar gifting, but it's not refined, so to speak.
Thank you, again.
In Chelsea's case, seeing through her eyes, I accurately described the area where she was found and what she could see. Once again I don't know if it would have helped except to keep searchers in that area. The problem would have been that I'm sure the mountain and that cross can probably be seen from a lot of areas making the identification of the specific location a wider search area.
Aja Johnson
Again, I have all of my information posted about Aja. I will only repeat here that something that I was writing pointed at least 2 people to Thunderbird Lake, both of which commented, once the very day before they found the car, and both contacted the police. Had the police followed up on those tips they WOULD have found Aja weeks earlier.
I hope that some of this information helps to explain how Psychic Information can be used in helping to find missing children. The thing is, like with Aja's case, it takes someone who knows the victim and/or the area to put the pieces together. That is what this blog is all about. I hope that those of you reading this will continue to follow these children, post anything that you feel may help or explain the visions being posted and get involved in helping to find these kids and bring them home.
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