Natalee Holloway
Went Missing: May 30, 2005
From: Aruba
I'm surprised that I have never entered anything about Natalee here but now I will...
When I first started getting visions about Natalee I was totally shocked. I had seen the story, and I have to say.. I thought, another pretty girl in the news when there are so many out there who are missing and actually didn't create the events leading up to it. They never get seen and I thought it was so unfair.
However, once it started I could not control it. So here are my initial feelings and impressions on the case. I'll have to go back and find the dates.. I have many, many journals this is all I had on the computer.
I feel that she was alive. There has been no evidence found because I feel that she was taken, and that she is not in Aruba anymore. I will start from the beginning with what I have been seeing.
A hill, tall and rocky I think. I'm at a birds eye view and looking down over this hill, actually 2 hills with a river or something running between them and opening into the ocean or another large body of water. On the hill to the left is a house or something like a house, perhaps an estate. And the name Donald. At first I though it was in Aruba but as the meditations have continued over the last couple of weeks I am getting a strong indication that Bermuda is involved. I see a triangle (which is what led me to bermuda) Fish or dolphins and a sailboad. Martin. I see a clock with an arrow going between 9 and 10 but not around, back and forth. At some point it hit me that this may be indicating a time zone so I looked it up on the internet and Aruba and Bermuda have a one hour time difference. I see boats, like sail boats. Perhaps she was taken by boat. I see dogs, and mean teeth, perhaps guard dogs. 2 women.
I keep seeing the name briarcliff although I cannot seem to connect that to anything and stables. I actually saw a long row of what could be stables but they could also be warehouses or some sort of self storage things. The colors blue and grey. A bird with a white head, like a seagull but with a pointed beak. A slim woman dressed in a white shirt and slim skirt, 50ish style maybe, with upswept hair. I see Natalie being rolled up in something, perhaps to be moved, but like fabric or something that would not harm her. Pink.
I do not know whether the boys are involved. Maybe. If this is real, I feel like it could be something that had been thought about and then someone saw her and decided to just take her. Could have been premediated but I can't be sure. I feel strongly that she is safe as long as the investigation goes as is. They don't feel afraid because the police are so far off of the mark. But, and again if this is real, if these people felt like the information was moving toward a kidnapping or away from the boys then she may be in danger. They could decide to get rid of her in a way that would leave the authorities to believe the boys did it.
I will have to go back and find the dates of this info and see if there is anymore... All of the information above is from the months following her disappearance. If she was still alive at that time, she may or may not be now.
Per Gabby's comment/request under this post I will add this vision that I had posted under random dreams page. I didn't and don't have any idea what it meant/means but she feels it may be connected to someone involved in this case and/or may offer a clue to something important.
10/29/09 When I first closed my eyes I saw what looked like a phone booth. Then I started seeing this symbol then it turned into a cross or the cross was in front of the Next a swirly light blue light sort of came in behind it . It was weird.

Gee, it would have been nice if you had come forward 5 years ago...what a crock. I guess you need people to read your blog so you use Natalee's name. You should be ashamed!
ReplyDeleteActually Stephanie, I did contact the authorities 5 years ago.. You have no idea what I did or how hard I tried, so your judgement is really out of line.
ReplyDeleteI posted this after having a conversation with someone yesterday about Natalee. My thought, I suppose, was that even now, any bit of new information that comes to light might actually, some day, bring an answer to her family.
That is the whole concept behind this blog.. trying to put information out that that "authorities" tend to disregard in the hope that someone will see it and be able to make sense of it.
I don't need people to "read" my blog so you are free not to. What I would like is to find a way to put an end to the harm that comes to these children.
You posted something in a random meditation thread on 10/29/2009 that I hope you will post here as well. I attempted to comment earlier but it wouldn't go through so if you get a duplicate, just post whichever you want.
ReplyDeleteI first thought of Natalee when I read your post; however, when I tried to post a comment I got the impression the male that comes to Natalee post is investigating another cold case. He is either an investigator or a determined dad. But, since he will find it here, or maybe it is about Natalee's case (I don't know enough about her case to see how any of the post I'm asking you to transfer applies here) so please post your random meditation here.
The image you drew is a tattoo. It appeared early in the case and has since appeared, but if looked for (it is only one small piece of information among the male's memory or case notes) later in the investigation it will show up in a picture or video where it shouldn't be if the current theory is accurate. The investigator is very observant and analytical so he will know the significance of the image being in the wrong place to support the current theory. It can develop into leads that isn't apparent for the investigator at this time. I'm not sure that the image you drew is the actual image/tattoo the investigtor should look for, but it is clue to help him look for the correct image. I believe a man named Carl will be connected to the image.
The phone booth I believe is symbolic for confirmation for this male and a sign of communication from the victim.
The boats I believe are symbolic. The case is near a coastline and boats are common. But in this case it is a progression I believe. The clue is the smallest boat and as it leads the investigator the leads will become bigger and stronger until he reaches the coastline which is solving the case. He stood at the coastline at least once and looked out at a cliff and thought about if he just had a sign...oh by the way he doesn't believe in this hocus pocus voodoo crazy stuff (his thinking, not mine) so let me reword it for him, he stood there thinking of the missing girl, he's frustrated, and determined, he wonders if the girl knows he isn't giving up. She knows and would tell him not to be so hard on himself. While he was there at the coastline he thought of boats (he seen one that particular day looking out at the cliff) so for his skeptical mind he will know that it is a message for him. He was there thinking of her case and thinking of boats and analyzing the case in his mind, the progression of each possiblilty etc The boats in your meditation is the way it ties together that day to let him know, the small clue, the small boat is the beginning, and the bigger, the closer he is to solving it.
Thanks Gabby, that is very interesting. I hope you are right. I posted the vision right in the original post. I will do that with anything else I find just so it will be in one place.. Now you have me thinking that I really need to find anything else I have.
ReplyDeleteAfter speaking to another medium yesterday, I realized that so many things about Natalee are popping up at the moment. It may be a sign of the energy changing around her case. I hope so! Like I replied to Stephanie, I spent hours on this case and numerous attempts at getting the information into someone's hands. It just drove me crazy.. I could not get that girl out of my mind, or she wouldn't let I think every parent deserves to know what happened to their child, no matter how long it takes. Thanks for your help!
I should have said hours, days, weeks..
ReplyDeleteI hope the Holloway family have answers soon and hopefully, their daughter back.
ReplyDeleteI really believe that what I feel in meditation and prayer is about another Natalie (spelled Natalie, not Natalee) but I'm not sure who this Natalie is yet. I'm still looking online for any information about her. I feel as if a series of cold case murders connect in some way.
I don't have very strong feelings about Natalee's case. The only thing I ever feel is it is involved with human trafficking.
Thanks Gabby.. There have been a lot of things popping up around Natalee lately. Perhaps there is some kind of energy shifting around the case, I don't know but I hope so!!
ReplyDeleteOh and Natalee is spelled with 2 e's. I know its isn't usually but for whatever reason they spelled it differently. I don't know it that will help you find more with your searches or not.
Hello.... I think you use your gift wonderfully & I strongly believe in psychic/mediums. I do have a question tho, how do mediums come up with such different event on what happened to Natalee. For instance, Allison Dubois's vision is different from yours...she states Natalee was stalked, befriended & killed on the beach & they have the right suspects. She also said it was a sexual assault of some kind with the boys. Could it be possible both your stories are linked and all the events happened, maybe in different order. I am just confused to why the visions are not the same... Also she said she didn't see birds but I have read another psychic also seen birds in her vision... thanks so much & I look forward to hearing from you. I also think you are doing a wonderful thing by trying to help missing children...God bless.
ReplyDeleteI really don't know why different people get different things. I would venture to guess that it could all be different pieces of the same large puzzle. Also, I always tell people that I could simply be wrong. But I do remember how strongly these feelings were and even IF I am wrong about her actually being killed on the island, I believe there is a lot I am right about.
What I do know is that the only medium that actually worked on the case, spending a lot of time with Dave Holloway in Aruba was Mary Ann Morgan. I spoke with her a couple of months ago and she told me about her experience there and her feelings about what happened. I don't want to speak for her, especially since I'm not sure what she has said to the public, but she does feel that Natalee is dead and it happened a lot like what has been reported, with a few more details. After having someone openly on the ground and so actively involved with the family I think its easy for others to then come out and pretty much say the same thing. The important thing is that Mary Ann did gain a lot respect from Mr. Holloway and I feel certain that his trust in her helped tremendously. My feelings about her are that she is pretty good at what she does and I like her a lot!! She gave me some much needed encouragement at that time to continue on with what I'm doing. I feel very fortunate to have met her!
That being said, I know my feelings about what happened are different at least as to the final outcome. But I have learned over the years that I can only go on what I feel and I try not to allow myself to be influenced away from my own feelings by others. I accept when I'm wrong and I try to learn from it. But usually it will turn out that there will be things I am very right about to, so its always a learning process. I just try to be respectful and as honest as I can.
I hope Natalee will be found some day, one way or the other. Her family deserves to know the truth. Sadly I don't think Joran will ever tell the truth. But Mary Ann did say, openly, that she doesn't ever think they will find Natalee's body. And that is just sad.
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ReplyDeleteThanks! I will have to look into that..
ReplyDeleteI think Natalee was trying to warn you of the peruvian girls death (from beyond the grave?) so that you might help prevent it. I'm not psychic but in reading your posts thats the feeling I get. It must be hard to try to decipher what they are showing you, but when you can look back after new events unfolding the picture becomes clearer. Good Luck, you seem to have true talent.
ReplyDeleteThanks! You may be right. The 5 thing is what really gets me. It could have been a warning but I wish it had been more clear if it was meant to help someone.