I mentioned in my first post about Natalee that I would go back and find more information and dates regarding my meditations. Then I got slammed for not having stepped up 5 years ago. I did, I tried repeatedly to contact someone. That is when I learned that the authorities do not put much weight on "psychics". And I quickly realized why.. I now realize that on a case like this they get literally hundreds, if not thousands of tips from psychics. I also realize that there are some who don't seem to care who they hurt.
That is sort of how this blog came about last year. Its a place for me to place my thoughts, visions and dreams about missing children that is non-obtrusive. Sometimes I make a contact if I feel there may be someone open to the information. I have been found by families and law enforcement. No one has to admit they are looking.. and if it helps then I'm doing my part. I also invite others to share their information. Its all about helping these children and their families.
That being said, and with the negative comment in mind, I am posting the journal entries I have found so far. However, I have 5 years of journals to go through if I want to find everything that has come up since.
I do want to state for the record though, that my feelings about this case have evolved over the years. I feel strongly that Natalee was taken. I feel she was picked. I feel that both Joran Van Der Slooth and his father were involved. I feel they had been involved in the kidnapping/trafficking of young girls before Natalee. The Holloway's may not have found their daughter but I feel they may have saved others by their efforts and by putting the spot light on them.
In my original post I said that I was surprised about my visions about Natalee and wondered about why she was covered so heavily by the news vs. someone who hadn't created their circumstances, I didn't mean Natalee brought it on or even deserved what happened to her. I guess I was thinking that it is naive to let these young people go to foreign countries and put themselves in dangerous situations, knowingly or not, and then be surprised when something bad happens. And I was thinking that a young child gets snatched off the street and gets NO coverage at all.. especially if they are boys. Why is that? I meant no disrespect.
Anyway.. here is what I have found so far that I feel may be associated with Natalee....
06/13/05 - I mentioned to Forrest last week that I had a feeling about that girl in Aruba. I think there is no crime scene because she was not killed. Perhaps kidnapped and being held for sexual purposes, either there or having been part of a ring. That could also explain why no one will talk, but will admit being with her. I just think she is still alive at this point.
06/19/05 – Yesterday I was looking at my mail and I pulled up a story about that girl in Aruba. I feel as though she is still alive but those who have her are getting worried about the coverage. Those 3 boys were probably part of this but as pawns really. She has been taken for a reason. They were in it for the thrill or maybe just money but most likely both. They know there is no body to be found and fear the people who have her. They feel their best chance of getting out of this is to just stay quiet and hope the law can’t prove anything.
06/23/05 – Today I was meditating and thinking about the Holloway girl in Aruba. I saw a river like body of water, not too crooked, running between what I want to say are hilly islands. I don’t know if it was an island or 2 hillsides but there is a house up on the hill and I think that is where she is. I saw the name Donald.
06/29/05 – Meditation.. fish or dolphins, triangle, Bermuda? Sailing, ear, Trista, it was sailing.. Martin, maybe St. Martin? Islands.
06/30/09 – Today I was thinking about the Holloway girl again. I see a river – what is a peninsula? High mountains on my left, perhaps opening out into the ocean, Bermuda.
07/01/05 – Clock, hands going between 9 and 10 o’clock. Or more like from 10 back to 9. The #9. Man in a robe with a hobo stick, Aruba. Maybe 2 women. Vicious teeth, dog, bondage. Man or older boy climbing over bed, out of, branch. That Van Der Sloot boy and a contact of some kind.
07/02/05 – Meditation.. butterfly, bird, rug. A bird with a white head, sorta like a seagull but pointy beak. A woman with a do.. puffy hair, dressed in white shirt, slim straight knee length skirt. 50ish or maybe 60ish.
Yesterday the clock brought me to the time zones.. back and forth instead of around the clock. I looked it up and Aruba is exactly one hour behind Bermuda. Thinking about this and trying to find pictures. The name briarcliff – a college or school in NY is what I found. Also a software company in NY I believe. The pictures of Bermuda more closely resemble my vision of the hilly area where I can see the white house.
My visions of the man with the robe and the hobo stick could represent, at least to me, a cross between the Fool and the Hermit which takes me back to the rocky hills. Ready to take a leap off a cliff. The Hermit has a star trapped in his lantern, the girl?
07/03/05 – Meditation.. her being rolled up in something like fabric or packing material, cat. Being guarded by dogs. Blue and grey. Briarcliff again. Pink (last) Stables or long row of warehouses but it feels like stables?? The rolling up feels like it was at the start. I still sense her being alive.
I was asking for signs yesterday that I should let someone know about this and I ended up seeing a house, high on a hill. It resembled the picture of the way the house is situated in my dream. Also, on the way back, a little hole in the wall place called Cliff Rock Inn, lounge, something like that. That and my reading tells me its time to make a decision on whether to take action on this or not. Its time to take a chance.
I did a reading and I asked for guidance. The Chariot Rx, 10 of Cups Rx, the 7 of Cups popped out while I was shuffling. I thought if the Fool or the Hermit showed up then I would know for sure. At that moment the Hermit popped out and as I continued the Knight of Wands fell out..
Take some action. The 7 of Cups – make a decision to take some action of this matter. I think the Chariot Rx and the 10 of Cups Rx represents that I need to give in to my visions and the will of God and my guides and tell them what I know. The 10 of Cups Rx represents the family in turmoil.
07/04/05 – Rose, flute? Spade and that bird again. A triangle, the triangle is going through the bird or is the bird going through the triangle? Could the bird be a boat and the triangle be going to Bermuda? Find out the name of that bird…
I sent an email yesterday. Who knows if anyone will take this seriously…
My cards today are the Magician Rx, the Knight of Cups and right after the 4 of Pentacles popped out and then the 8 of Wands. First I think this reading is about the person who took Natalee because she was on my mind. Power and money abused.. He wanted her and he felt entitled to take her. He is keeping her for himself. The 8 of Wands shows a boat going furiously across the water, the front of the boat is a bird with a pointed beak and there are dolphins jumping out of the water. There are sail and what looks like an eye painted on the front of the boat. This was part of my vision.. I need to find out what that symbol is. Sun symbol on the sails and 8 lighted wands.
I decided to do a full reading on Natalee and the situation. Basically it said that I’ve done the right thing. The reading indicates that my feelings have some factual information. The outcome will be that someone will take notice of some of the information and it will make sense. It will help. If that happens she will be found.
07/05/05 – The world in the palm of my hand. A clock, either 3 o’clock or 4’oclock, midday I think. 9th, Kitchen window, flowers and curtains. A man, medium brown hair, medium build, shoulder length hair, almost. A white sandy beach. A strong picture of a gull or white headed bird. My guides are showing me an image of a bird’s eye view and an eagle in flight.
07/07/05 – Meditation.. branches outside of a window. A canon or maybe a gun?? Egypt and antiques. War or battle. The birds again, a lot of birds. I am still seeing sea birds. A picture. She is alive. The picture is to the side. I can’t really see it, perhaps turned a little. It may be a sunset and a rocky beach. Perhaps there is a collector involved. I was looking for a sign to show me I was going in the right direction.
07/16/05 – A raven opening a small door, like on a letter box. A bird flying, then it had a long neck like a pelican, flamingo or stork. A man in a suit clinching his upturned fists. Is Natalee alive? Yes.
Last night I had a dream about cages of hamsters. I dreamed that I had forgotten about them. I don’t think any of them were dead but were very close to it. I used to have dreams like this a lot. I wonder if it means forgetting to tend to major details, serious issues. Dying from neglect.. I found them just in time. Some things cannot be forgotten or neglected without serious consequences.
07/19/05 – Crescent moon, she will be found on a crescent moon. Still alive I think?? A little man running atop buffalos. An Indian? It seemed like an old drawing on a cave wall. A monkey and a fox walking down a rocky hill, row houses. Natalee.

A handle or tool from a socket wrench set?? 2 tools.
I found a picture of a gorge similar in nature to the rocky hills and water.
07/21/05 – A beach, a boat, small.. A place in the water where a big rock is standing up out of the water. A duck.
07/25/05 – Water, trees.. like the Amazon. Maybe a Florida swamp? Boat or canoe, empty. May have a secret compartment or something, someone in it. The 25th.
08/03/05 – Camera, carrot nose, sunglasses, like a snow man.. Bird, but changing… eagle, vulture, duck or something with a hat and glasses. Actually I think that was first after snowman. Hawk, then hawk catches rabbit and the rabbit is scared.
08/05/05 – I wanted to know about Natalee and I keep seeing the same place. Rocky hills, water, a house. Also a sword and a surf board??
08/10/05 – Natalee popped into my head during my prayers. Then in my meditation I saw her smiling and talking. A wall appeared and then turned textured. Maybe like a cave or something, I don’t know. There was a girl with something around her head, like a dew rag and then a cap, maybe a red cap. And now a girl with a braid wearing that cap. She appeared alive, talking and then the thought of castles again. There was a place, seemed swimming pool, blue, open walkway and deep entrances. Children coming out to talk to her. Maybe desert, I don’t know.. a sandy beach.
08/16/05 – A bridge over water in the woods, the woods over water… Kinda like the woods I saw yesterday only it seems like fall, damp and dreary. Then Natalee again. A small bear and another smaller animal, bug or fish. The bear was trying to catch it and he did, and he ate it. A skunk walked by, then water falls. An island. Looking down on it from a birds eye view, sorta long like pictures of Aruba. Is she now dead? I don’t know..
08/30/05 – Not much, distracted. Natalee came to mind in a loud “she is stll alive”. I don’t know.
09/07/05 – Meditation – a dark sky, looking up through the trees. Then a bird or plane?? I didn’t want to see crashes. I asked about Natalee. I saw a skillet of food, like a mix of something and it feels like she may still be alive.
09/09/05 – Meditation only brought thoughts of Natalie again. I dreamed last night that I was still telling people that she is alive.. I still see that.
09/27/05 – Meditation brought a lot of vivid pictures but most I don’t know . A flash like looking though a port hole, a room like an attic with lots of stuff. Someone was in there, trapped I think. Thoughts of Natalee again, she may still be alive. I had dreams about Trista and Zach and the baby. I was carrying the baby because she couldn’t but came to regret it. When I realized it was not Zach’s, which also meant the baby was not my grandchild. Back to it.. I saw faces and sadness that I feel I have now lost – I saw a butterfly develop and grow wings and a distinctive #5. Year 5?? 5 what???
10/06/05 – Meditation today brought vivid pictures. Starts as a glimpse of a partial face in what appears to be an oval or round mirror. Door, a dark hall. There is a dark figure standing. A man I think because of the size and then the mirror again. Or maybe it becomes a window but the figure is in and out of it. maybe 2 crabs floating out of my vision then I can see the figure standing on a porch or balcony looking out over it. There are a lot of trees. That is what I can see in the background, trees and I or he seems to be high up. Then the #67 and finally an airplane. Always I see planes??? Are these planes symbols of something? I was thinking about Natalee this morning and I try to keep in mind that it usually brings visions but I never really know if it is related.
10/19/05 – Meditation seemed more vivid today, starting with an image that seemed to indicate evil. A scary goat like horned figure and a hand up against glass or the air, but like HELP. Palm out, fingers up. A castle or estate with a large building. At first it seemed like the Washington Monument but then it turned around the scene and it showed the house on the cliff again, looking out over the ocean. A surf board sticking up and then it turned into a dolphin shape. The monument then turned to a tower looking object, or perhaps a light house. Am I looking at Natalee again?
12/16/05 – Meditation was good I think. I sat down by the pond and a young buck came to drink beside me. I saw, heard or sensed a frog and the thought that a frog knows. I saw a car flash by like a VW bug but not?? I don’t know but it was blue. I saw the letters P and O. I thought post. An embryo, Ann Marie. A man’s khaki slacks and brown shoes then dark, maybe blue pants and more like boots, perhaps lighter shoes. A square shaped light and I think something round and bright in the middle. Like a flash??
12/19/05 – Meditation.. I saw my bear walking along side of me to the pond. And I saw an elephant. As I sat there I saw some waves in the air and it reminded me of radio waves. I would hear some news on the radio. There was a small, heart shaped pendant with some designs in it and I think it was hanging on a key chain or hanging like that silver, and a bath tub. Some dolls falling.
12/20/05 –Meditation.. I immediately saw a pink heart, love. As I was meditating I first saw the gorge I used to see around Natalee Holloway and I heard “yes it is” when I wondered about her. I saw a speed boat and I also heard that she is not safe anymore. I heard a little girl crying for her mommy. I saw plainly the #6.
When this first happened, I dreamt that they had her body in an underwater cave. The next morning on the news there was something on about searching underwater caves and I thought they would find her but there was no news. That night I dreamt that her body was moved and dumped. I wondered if I read what someone else was thinking when I "dreamt" the underwater cave. I feel for the mother of the guy that did this. How horrible to feel that your child could do something as horrible as this.
ReplyDeleteI only hope that now Joran will come clean about exactly happened. But at this point I don't believe he would even recognize the truth let alone tell it. Without that I don't believe anyone will ever know.
ReplyDeleteShe is in a cave that is right off the beach and this cave can be reached from land and underwater is off limits to tourist as well this is my vision she is not alive
ReplyDeleteI agree with the "anonymous" above, I believed that she was deceased from the first day when she was reported missing/kidnapping. I think the reason why you kept getting that "she is still alive" because there are a lot of people hoping that she is alive out there somewhere. Her mother Beth Holloway stated in a interview I can't recall which interview was taken and by whom but I remember I read some where on the internet, Beth said that she kind of feel that her daughter is no longer alive but she is still hoping that she will be found someday. And I read the book that Beth wrote about her daughter Natalee on the day she was on the beach searching for her daughter she couldn't help it but look at the ocean so it's her motherly intuition that something is telling her that Natalee would be in the ocean. I am not sure how much you have followed this case but Joran "confessed" his crime back in 2008 that he dumped Natalee's body into the ocean, its partly reason why Beth felt something connection to the ocean. I am not convinced with Joran's confession he might told the half truth but very little bit but he confessed that Natalee is not alive so it's obviously. And you said you kept seeing the boat so Joran also stated in his "confession" that he used the boat to dump Natalee's body. A lot of things you describe in your vision that is connected to Joran's. In my own opinion you have seen things that the murder have/done for example Natalee's murderer is involved with trafficking, kidnapping, used boat, the number 5 which he commit a crime 5 years after Natalee's disappearance and it's coincidence that he murdered Stephany on the same night Natalee went missing 5 years earlier, hopefully you wouldn't feel like I am judging you on your talent but I admire that you have that special gift which I don't have.
ReplyDeleteHi Anon, no I don't feel you are judging. Actually a lot of what you said makes sense to me now. Natalee was the first missing child I openly tried to help. I felt compelled to do something because the stuff I was getting was so intense and it wouldn't go away. But the one thing that always baffled me was how could she be alive and still be coming through. Usually if someone is alive I will feel like I'm getting the info more from my guides or it will just be places, events, etc. Natalee felt alive but then she and another girl seemed to bring me to a little boy who went missing. And I wondered how that could be unless she was dead. The feeling of alive could very well be what you were describing because like I said, this was the first time I was so caught up in something. I knew Joran said several times that he did, then didn't do it but I never realized he came out and confessed, except to that guy who set him up. And he always seemed to be showing off more than telling any truth. But I did know that sometime later he was accused of trafficking and so its possible I was getting all of this and just not understanding what I was seeing at the time. That still happens sometimes. Its not so much that we get something wrong, its we are not understanding what it really means.
ReplyDeleteI spoke to Mary Ann Morgan a few months ago. She is the psychic that spent so much time in Aruba with Natalee's dad. She is convinced that Natalee was killed that first night and dumped in the ocean and they will never find her body. I very much respect Mary Ann and while I don't like to doubt myself, (and she encouraged me not to) I do realize that sometimes I don't get all of it right. She was physically there so I have to believe she was able to do much more than the rest of us. And obviously she was able to make Natalee's dad a believer by what she was picking up.
And something about the 5, for whatever reason it was shortly before Stephany was killed that I even posted anything about Natalee here. The timing of her coming back into the forefront of my mind, in hindsight, makes me wonder if I should have tried to take a closer look but honestly, I know there is no way anyone could have prevented or known in advance what Joran was going to do. I wish there was, but sadly it doesn't work that way. But I keep trying!
Anyway, thank you for posting. And as far as a special gift, I do believe we all have some spark of psychic ability. Its only a matter of recognizing it and then listening.
the same thing Don A white house on a hill, a lady walking fast trying to meet a dead line in the rain. Black long coat and sandy colour wave long hair.Middle of the back.I first learned of this lady missing and everytime I think of her I am thinking she is alive. But where?
DeleteDid the Van der Sloot’s have access to a golf resort area?
ReplyDeleteVery close after, or the night before, Natalee Holloways disappearance, I had a dream that was unusual for me. It started around a large rectangular or oval table. There were two people sitting, one on the long side, left corner (me), and the other on the short side, right corner, (Natalee). There were 3 people who where moving around behind the two people that were sitting. The table was in what appeared to be a carport or an open room with a partial roof that faced a large body of water, ocean. Maybe in a bar setting that was open air with a partial roof near the ocean. Things were very uncomfortable – I was very fearful and nervous. I was ready to get up and leave. There were three people behind me. Near the time I got up I saw one of the people go over to the other person sitting at the right side of the table and stand behind them. It felt like they were holding/forcing the other person to stay there, to the point of more panic for me. I left quickly and found myself quickly moving across some sandy mounds with occasional tufts of what appeared to be random tall clumps of grass/bushes. Something like grass clumps near the ocean. I was aware the two people that had been standing behind me were following/chasing me – I was fearful and felt as if imminent danger was near. I went over a few of the sand mounds and I saw a smaller body of water. There may have been two smaller bodies of water or ponds, one in front and one to the side. I suddenly felt dead or void of myself. I woke up and thought, that was horrible – I think I died. I went back to sleep and didn’t really think it had any meaning. Later when hearing about Natalee I started to wonder if the dream was related. The number of people involved was close to the total involved, except for myself. Initially there was only Joran Van der Sloot, then news of two others. Three perpetrators is the number I had dreamed about. Natalee was the one who was left at the table with Van der Sloot. I think I experienced some of the events/locations of her tragedy.
ReplyDeleteToday I went on-line researching info on the recent bone found near the Divi Aruba Phoenix Beach Resort. I found two areas of interest: I wonder if either of those areas were searched.
Reference, maps and satelite images with similarity to :
http://www.maplandia.com/aruba/palm-beach/ - Bulbali Bird Sanctuary – canals and ponds.
Click on Satellite view. Zoom in until you see the Bulbali Bird Sanctuary on the image. You may have to “click and hold” to move the map to keep the location visible while zooming in for finer detail. Look at the pencil sketch you made that resembles a long narrow oval. Compare this to the long narrow pond in the sanctuary. Not sure what the dot is at the bottom of your sketch, unless it is a mark for looking for Natalee. The satellite also shows a dirt path that comes into the area from a paved road. Switch the view to Map view (move in+ or out-), note the picture of the smaller pond or other area that resembles a roadrunner bird. You had a sketch of a bird and mentioned to a triangle along with the bird’s head. This map view has what looks like a roadrunners crown shaped in an upside down triangle next to the large oval pond.
You mentioned planes. I see an airport south of this area along the beach.
Divi Aruba Phoenix Beach Resort
75 Je Irausquin Blvd | Palm Beach, Palm/Eagle Beach, Aruba
Reference, maps and satellite images with some similarity to my dream:
Golf course with sand dunes and water ponds is located directly in-land from Divi Dutch Village Resort. Also, close to Cuba’s Cooking. Did the Van der Sloot’s have access to a golf resort area? From a satellite view of the sand dunes in the golf course they look somewhat similar to the dunes I envisioned in my dream. However, there are not as many correlations with your sketches or any known incidents.