(This is not the first post about Gabriel here on Psychics Unite.. there is more posted previously.)
So, following is everything that might apply or cross over to Gabriel. I mention Aja repeatedly, but that is who I was trying to focus on.... I am not sure, but from clues I was getting and didn't recognize as possibly being someone else I think its worth looking at if from the perspective of Gabriel's case. I'm sure there is some of the info that also crossed into 2 other cases, Amber Dubois and Chelsey King.. I need to figure out a better way of determining who is coming in and what info is for who...
However, I am reminded that some of this was Aja, but some might very well be Gabriel...
02/15/10 - When I first closed my eyes, before I even started to meditate, I saw house. Ranch style is how I think you would describe it. It was sitting up on a hill with the front steps coming down from what looked like a small porch and down the hill a little way. The house was white or light gray. It seemed like a nice house which surprised me for some reason...
I could see a frog, cartoonish or animated graphic. It felt like sort of a weird design for a restaurant or theme place??
The frog looked like it was happy, sticking his tongue out or something like that and there were other sort of ziggy designs. The Letters E and R maybe. The symbols or shapes first felt like polynesion or something but then it felt more native american. I'm not sure yet what that means, perhaps something ethnic of some sort? Navajo is something I either felt or heard.
(I get the feeling now that Aja might still be with Lester,) then I felt Texas. Then as I was trying to focus on where she is now I could see this bend in the road. It was dirt along the side and then some trees. Then all of a sudden I got a thought about those 2 little girls that were killed a couple of years ago, shot and left in a ditch by the road. I will look that up and find out more...
02/16/10 - Right off I could see some sort of tablet or notebook that has tabs at the top of the pages. I get the feeling that she is still alive and will be found soon. I could see an image of her hugging her dad and I so hope that is not just wishful thinking. I heard Pete's Place or Petey's. Then I heard Fairfax and also I think New Haven. I don't know what that means. I was trying to focus on where she would wake up this morning and what she could see and I was looking at a room, maybe a hotel room but I'm not sure. I couldn't see outside. She is scared. Now I can see a calender and I see a number 4. I get an image of the months running together right between February and March. I feel like this is saying she will be found somewhere around the end of February or beginning of March. Maybe that is the 4 or 4th?
03/08/10 - Sadly for Aja's family, but not for the Dubois family, I think I got my info mixed up between cases. The Feb/Mar ended up being about a girl I have worked on and off on for a while, Amber Dubois. I don't have much posted here because it was sent to an investigator, but Amber went missing in February a year ago. Renewed media interest was brought to the case recently when Chelsea King went missing in February. She was found on March 2. Then, on March 6, 4 days later, Amber was found. I'm still praying for the safe return of Aja.
03/08/10 - Sadly for Aja's family, but not for the Dubois family, I think I got my info mixed up between cases. The Feb/Mar ended up being about a girl I have worked on and off on for a while, Amber Dubois. I don't have much posted here because it was sent to an investigator, but Amber went missing in February a year ago. Renewed media interest was brought to the case recently when Chelsea King went missing in February. She was found on March 2. Then, on March 6, 4 days later, Amber was found. I'm still praying for the safe return of Aja.
Anonymous said...
There is a Frog, TX. It is located 4 to 4 1/2 hours from Geronimo. IIRC when a person leaves OK there are many places along the way near the state line that offer Indian souveniors. The unusual symbols may be related to those types of souveniors. Also, in smaller TX towns there are many homes like your sketch. They are older farm house type structures.
Anonymous said...
Weleetka is where the two girls were shot. It is 180 miles from Geronimo. I believe a driver would go through OK City and I40 is there. Perhaps this is how they traveled. I also thought of these two girls shortly after the amber alert was issued for Aja.
Diana said...
Thanks for your comments! I have noticed a lot of Native American symbolism in OK. I also googled frog and restaurant and found one called the Hungry Frog. For whatever reason, what I was seeing looked like a business/restaurant type thing but I will have to check out Frog OK.
I also did a search for the two girls and found the story. That was such a tragedy. I didn't remember that it also happened in OK until I found an article about the murders and I'm not really sure of the connection but I believe there must be one. Location, perp, something..
Its hard for someone who has never been to a location or is not close to the situation to figure this stuff out. But my hope is,if it does mean anything, someone who can make the connection will see this and know what it means. Most of all, I just pray my feelings about her being alive are correct and that she will be found soon!
I also did a search for the two girls and found the story. That was such a tragedy. I didn't remember that it also happened in OK until I found an article about the murders and I'm not really sure of the connection but I believe there must be one. Location, perp, something..
Its hard for someone who has never been to a location or is not close to the situation to figure this stuff out. But my hope is,if it does mean anything, someone who can make the connection will see this and know what it means. Most of all, I just pray my feelings about her being alive are correct and that she will be found soon!
Diana said...
I mean Frog TX.. in the mean time I've just found a Two Frogs Restaurant in OK.
Anonymous said...
Oddly enough there is a road in Texas that bends and has dirt on each side with houses u described. The road is called new haven.
02/19/10 - As I began my meditation today, Somer Thompson popped into my thoughts. I'm not sure why yet.
The first thing I saw looked like a sink sprayer. Then it sort of morphed into a fluttering object. I wasn't sure what it was doing or why and I though maybe it looked a little like butterfly wings but then I saw a fork right beside it.. makes no sense other than indicating kitchen??
I could see a doorway and inside the room was carpet. I could see the name Joe but it seemed like it was a carved sort of thing. (Joe might be a name that I have connected to another case but I will leave it just in case) It was lying right inside the doorway. As I type this I see blue, like the carpet is blue. Then I started to see or feel house, connected to the sprayer? But no, big X, its not a house. (I'm not sure if any of the following is related???) Then I could see a room and it appeared to be small. It felt like being in a box. Then I could see images that made me think it was a bedroom. I came into the door from the left side and could see into the room. On my right side there was a picture on the wall, it was sort of flowery or pastel, and I realized the walls were pink, dark pink.. its a girls room but there is a lot of clutter all around. I just keep feeling really small, like a trailer but it felt like being in a box with cardboard thin walls or something. The clutter reminded me of an image I saw a week or so ago of a child in an alley, in a box near a dumpster. I felt girl I think but all I could see was blue jeans and red sneakers. They need to find her soon! (I found another girl this morning who was wearing jeans and red sneakers when she went missing.. not sure but I need to check it out.)
That pink room really reminds me of something I had seen connected to Somer. (I'm beginning to think Somer's repeated appearances were trying to tell me that I was wrong about Aja being alive. Also there is something I feel I'm missing about this new suspect.)

That pink room really reminds me of something I had seen connected to Somer. (I'm beginning to think Somer's repeated appearances were trying to tell me that I was wrong about Aja being alive. Also there is something I feel I'm missing about this new suspect.)
Anonymous said...
I googled again.
The diamond symbol (triangle) means various things depending on the quanity and arrangement/direction of the triangle you see. In the previous post you drew a triangle as one of the symbols. In this one you mention butterfly.
Butterfly (flapping their wings) was symbolic of taking flight to journey home in the after life.
If the triangle (diamond) is facing point down it means water. If it is facing up it means fire.
This is the interpretation of the site I viewed and is in no way an expert opinion of Native symbolism
The diamond symbol (triangle) means various things depending on the quanity and arrangement/direction of the triangle you see. In the previous post you drew a triangle as one of the symbols. In this one you mention butterfly.
Butterfly (flapping their wings) was symbolic of taking flight to journey home in the after life.
If the triangle (diamond) is facing point down it means water. If it is facing up it means fire.
This is the interpretation of the site I viewed and is in no way an expert opinion of Native symbolism
I feel the following might be all or part about Aja / Lester but some of it crosses over...
02/18/10 - Today I thought I would try to focus on where Lester Hobbs is.
I could see OK then TX and a star and then AZ. I saw an 8 and it looked like it was in a sign. Super 8 popped in my mind. Then I could see an arrow pointing left/west. I was trying to remote view where he might be this morning and I could see groceries and a dollar general or dollar store of some kind. I could also see a flat area with what looked like mountains in the far distance. I heard the name Danny or Danielle, something that sounds like that. Then I got the image of a snake and snake oil, like a snake oil salesman.. his personality perhaps that allowed him to draw in so many women. Then I heard "Big Al" or "Big Al's".
I feel like he has probably changed his appearance, darkened his hair and either grown in more of a beard or shaved it.. perhaps even different colored contacts. He definitely doesn't want to get caught but he is tired of running. I asked what state and I get AZ. Then I saw what reminded me of a capitol building and I heard Capital City. This is either "Capital City" or the city that the state capitol is located in, whichever state??? It feels like he is traveling to get as far away from OK as possible.
Then I found something interesting. In the capitol city of Phoenix, AZ, I've located 3 places, Super 8, Big Al's and a Dollar Store all within a few blocks of each other. The Super 8 and Dollar Store on the same street.
(there are maps of the area posted under Aja's posts)

I could then see a woman. She seemed normal, nice even pretty, longer sort of hair past shoulders, dark and maybe a little wavy. In as SUV like jeep. I see her in a garage, like a mechanics garage and I see (Aja) come out from under or behind one of those red tool chests. At the beginning I felt he may have already ditched her by now and I still feel Phoenix. I asked where.. Palace. Palace Street? 800.. maybe 800 block. The woman is nice. She seems clean cut and normal.
03/13/10 – I could see 6’s. Several, like in little circles. I saw an S and an name like Samantha. I was also thinking about something a friend asked me to help her with regarding a ghost and I almost feel the S and name is associated with that but I will put it just in case.
Then I started seeing these images and buildings. It felt like what I would see when we went to the beach. I think it felt sort of like when we went to the Outer Banks and we started getting close to town. We were driving along side of the ocean, or really a bay I think. Military bases. And I was thinking about Aja and the saying “when you hear hoof beats, don’t think zebra”. That has been playing over and over in my head lately. I felt it might have something to do with Phoenix and Aja. I still see her as if she Is alive. (This is the reason I started thinking that I am getting mixed up or determined to make this all about Aja..) I saw a big commercial like oven with a great big sunken pan of what looked like gravy. It was like those metal pans that they put on a buffet table. Her shoe fell into it.. makes no sense to me. I found a place yesterday called Phoenix in OK. I need to look more into that. I remember seeing the number 3 and I felt it had to do with time.
The 3 was at the beginning with the images.. there was an A and a sideways Y and a watch that appeared to be wrapped around something, not a wrist. North
03/24/10 - I think I was dreaming. A blue check. Written on it was A E Stitch. The number 6 and I think the letter J. #6
I thought this might have been about Lindsey Baum but looking back at it now and seeing the little boy.. well I will put in here just in case. I could see out through a window that appeared to be a van. I could see a large crowd. A lady with slender hands and nice manicured nails reached up and adjusted the rear view mirror. I am now in the driver’s seat and I can see a little boy, maybe around 3 sitting in a booster seat. I think the van may be tan or light colored. The interior is tan. Olympia.
03/26/10 – (Aja, but I feel Danny. I think he calls her Danny.) Riverdale, tea party and head banging. Banging their head against a wall. I keep feeling she is alive. The letters J and C and the number 5. Feels like a political thing perhaps a capital city or county.. like the city that is the capital of a state. Riverdale, city?? I was trying to get a county after city. Every time I try to rationalize that he wouldn’t still have her I feel she is alive. He is abusing her, taking out his anger on her. I tried to send her a message to run. For whatever reason I could see this shelf with a bag of different snack chips. Then I saw him sleeping. I tried to send her a message to run, escape while he is sleeping and to find the first person she runs into and tell them who she is and have them take her to the police.
03/27/10 – Aja, I can see this pole like thing. At first is seemed like a flag pole but then it kept changing. It changed until it became more like a tower on a boat, one like you would climb up and into to look out over the ocean. But for whatever reason, I feel like this represents a location. The boat doesn’t have to be a real part of it, it’s the tower that is important. Maybe a theme park or attraction of some kind. I ask if she is OK – No. I ask if she is in AZ – Yes. Why are they there? – Because she is there. Who is there? Mary, or an M name like Mary is there. I can see a woman, dark hair, full, maybe wavy sort of shoulder length or a little longer. (Fits more to Gabriel and being adopted.)
I think the following was really about Aja, but I will post just in case...
I think the following was really about Aja, but I will post just in case...
I remember now seeing a large bird around the time I was seeing the pole. At first it felt big, like a sea bird of some sort, when it too flight it had large wings and a slimmer body. Not like a gull but more like a pelican or something. I couldn’t really focus on its head, just the wings mostly.
I also remember seeing a feather, like a quill and a bottle of ink. I have no idea what that means unless it goes back in time..
I also remember seeing a feather, like a quill and a bottle of ink. I have no idea what that means unless it goes back in time..
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